paddleboarding on lough mask

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My name is Ray McGreal. I’m a graduate of the School of Architecture at the University of Limerick. Futurebright Studio is the place where I attempt to make sense of the world. I’m drawn towards ideas and things that point towards a positive vision of the future, hence the name:


In the face of climate change a positive vision of the future is needed now more than ever. If we are to safely navigate our way through the climate crisis we will need climate fiction to become reality. We’re beginning to suck GHG emissions directly out of the air. We’re slowly transitioning to clean energy. New alternatives to the linear economy are emerging. Is it all happening fast enough? What else can we do? Are we driven by fear or excitement or both? What can we do as individuals, communities, businesses and countries to make tomorrow a little bit better than today? Can buildings become devices that heal? Can entire communities be encouraged to become agents for climate change action? What new materials, processes, systems and policies do we need to create for a flourishing web of life to once again become a reality for everyone and every living thing? Questions like these are what give Futurebright Studio focus. If any of the above resonates with you please get in touch.


[email protected]